Mexico Case Hearing – Miguel Ángel López Velasco

Mexico case hearing of The People’s Tribunal on the Murder of Journalists

The Government of Mexico was officially notified about the Prosecution’s
indictment by the independent Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT). The government has been invited to exercise its right of defense during the hearing.

The hearing took place on 26 and 27 April 2022 in Mexico City, Mexico and can be found here, in English and in Spanish.

Impact so far:

As a result of the hearing, an organisation has stepped forward to pick up the legal representation of the family. The formal investigation should therefore be making some progress in the coming months.

In addition, the family of Miguel Ángel López Velasco, come from Veracruz, a region in Mexico where there are over 30 unsolved murders of journalists Veracruz. There are many families that have never spoken up about these crimes. After Miguel and Yasmin decided to publicly testify at the Tribunal, they wrote a statement to the Mexican Federal Prosecutor for Crimes Against Journalists, (FEADLE) which has concrete legal impact and builds towards the investigation at a Federal level.

In doing so doing, they also inspired a lot of families in Veracruz. Many families have said that they felt the courage to speak up and demand that their murders are investigated by the authorities, after seeing Miguel and Yasmin.

Watch DAY 1 of the hearing here in English:

During the first day, the Prosecutor heard witnesses on impunity for crimes against journalists in Mexico. Witnesses testified on specific groups of journalists at risk, impunity for crimes against journalists, and the role of the State in the prevention and investigation of these crimes.

Siga DIA 1 de la audiencia aquí en Español:


The second day was dedicated to the murder of Miguel Ángel López Velasco in 2011. The Prosecutor presented the evidence collected and heard witnesses, who spoke about Miguel Angel López Velasco’s life and work, the circumstances of his death and the State investigation of the murder.

Siga DIA 2 de la audiencia aquí en Español: